4 Honey Related Myths Debunked – What to Know

4 min read

Best known as the world’s most natural, healthy, and beneficial sweetener, honey has established itself as a staple for households all over the world, especially in New Zealand. From its promotion of heart health to its ability to soothe a persistent cough, this sweet, gold-coloured ingredient holds a proprietary role in many treatments and underlying needs for top-notch health. Beyond being an all-natural sugar substitute, however, it’s a commodity that maintains a higher level of significance as time goes on and more citizens seek healthier alternatives and lifestyles.Benefits aside, however, there’s one problem that continues to affect the honey history that continues to affect beekeepers and manufacturers: the myths that surround it. A few common myths,

6 Types of New Zealand Honey That Are Worth Trying

4 min read

Honey is a natural sweetener and alternative to sugar that is an ideal supplement for tea, coffee, smoothies, pancakes, and toast. Aside from having a rich, delightful taste, this superfood is packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, and more that can potentially boost your health.Manuka honey is perhaps the most famous honey in the World, and it is popular for its unique antibacterial properties. If you like this honey, you can also explore the wide array of options available for raw honey that caters to your taste, and you will fall in love with. Age, texture, and the location it was grown all affect the overall taste and experience that honey offers. Read the list below to discover more about the different varieties of raw honey in New Zealand:1. Clover Honey

4 Easy Tips to Storing Honey Properly to Extend its Shelf Life – Our Guide

2 min read

There’s nothing sweeter than having access to fresh, raw honey, which is why it has always been a staple ingredient in many kitchens. To put a cherry on top of its delicious addition in dishes and drinks, honey also never goes bad, but that doesn’t mean you can disregard its storage needs. While there are ways to restore your honey to its original lustre once it starts to crystallize or get cloudy, proper storage can prevent both scenarios in the first place and ensure you can maintain its quality for years to come. With that in mind, the tips below should help you store raw honey properly: Tip #1: Store Honey in a Tightly Sealed Container Bacteria often has a hard time growing in honey since it has little water, but leaving your honey out in the ope

The 3 Components of Raw Honey That are Excellent for Your Health

3 min read

Honey is a sweet food substance produced by bees and other insects via the sugary secretion of flowering plants. Many people use this sweetener in their drinks and snacks for its delicious, sweet, and sometimes earthy taste. However, not many people know that honey provides various health benefits as well.There are two types of honey sold in the market: raw and processed. Raw honey often has a creamier texture (but not always) and many people prefer raw honey instead of processed honey because raw honey contains more nutrients and natural ingredients that are good for a person’s overall health.With that said, here are some of raw honey’s significant components that can be beneficial to your health and body:1. AntioxidantsAn antioxidant is a substance that combats free

Bee Pollen Granules

4 min read

Pollen can be consumed by adding it to your food, smoothie, hot drink or taking it straight. Bee pollen should always be taken with caution as it can cause an allergic reaction in some people.Bee pollen is a natural food. It is not a drug. Honeybee pollen contains every known vitamin, all of the minerals, proteins (amino acids), enzymes and coenzymes, fatty acids, and carbohydrates that our bodies need to sustain life, and all in perfect balance.Bee Pollen cannot be duplicated in a laboratory, this assures you of a natural product, but watch for fillers. If it lists anything other than pollen as ingredients, it is not 100% pollen and most likely has had fillers added. Take Bee Pollen only in the WHOLE GRAIN natural form.Bee Pollen is a complete food. The optimum of vigor a

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