A new era for Mountain Valley Honey

Over the past year, Mountain Valley Honey has made some exciting changes, so we thought it would be a good idea to catch up with MVH Co-owner, Nicky Elwood, to get the latest.

“A priority for us over the past year has been bringing the MVH team together into one place. We like being a part of the day-to-day processes and working alongside the team,” she says.

MVH now have all operations together on one premises, including extraction, instead of working in multiple locations.

“It has been great to be in control of the entire journey, from the hive, to the honeypot.”

Each season, MVH get a variation on our regular honeys.

“It’s always nice to put a new type into a jar so customers can try more of the great honeys that New Zealand has to offer.

MVH’s latest product is Kānuka honey, which comes from the same family of trees as Manuka.

“We have chosen to introduce Kanuka in its own right so that those customers wanting a nice honey similar in taste to Manuka, but subtler, can enjoy this instead.”

Although there have been significant changes to the business, Nicky and the other co-owner (and Nicky’s husband) Murray’s core values remain the same.

“We still enjoy working in a hands-on sort of way, and unlike other businesses, our focus isn’t on expansion. We are happy with the number of hives we run, and locations we travel to.

“We work hard to manage what we have well, to ensure both our hives, and our staff aren’t under any unnecessary pressure. Plus, we have an awesome team, and for that we are very thankful.”

But they wouldn’t where they are now without their continued local and online community support that, for which they share their gratitude.

“We feel lucky to have lovely customers who support our family-owned and operated business, and work with great landowners who allow us access to their properties – we enjoy working with each and every one of them.”

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