Spotlight on Kānuka Honey – an effective topical treatment for skin this winter

Mānuka Honey is known and loved in New Zealand and internationally for its antibacterial properties and the benefits it has for our health. However, Mānuka’s cousin, Kānuka, is making headway as a topical treatment for a variety of skin conditions that flare up over the winter months.

Mānuka is a great topical treatment for wound dressings and burns. But studies show that Kānuka’s unique antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties makes it an effective treatment for skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, acne, and in recent studies, coldsores.

Kānuka flowers.

Kānuka honey comes from a native New Zealand tree, similar to Mānuka, and has high levels of hydrogen peroxide, that naturally creates these antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The hydrogen peroxide, along with other compounds found in Kānuka honey, helps to kill off bacteria, treat fungal infections, and reduce inflammation.

So as we come into winter, it’s important to give your skin some extra love, as these skin ailments that become worse over winter start to make themselves known. Simply use Kānuka honey straight from the jar and apply it to the affected area or use it as a face mask.

And just like it’s cousin, Kānuka is also a delicious honey. It has a silky and light texture with a floral taste. Great on your morning toast or in tea.

To find out more about the research in Kānuka honey as a topical treatment, click on the links below:

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