Two bronze medals for Mountain Valley Honey!

2 min read

To the victor goes the spoils – or more appropriately, two Bronze Medals were awarded to Mountain Valley Honey for our Kamahi and Honeydew honey.What was just as special was sharing the win with other awardees at the recent Apiculture New Zealand Conference.The annual event is an opportunity for beekeepers nationwide to gather and listen to international speakers, attend workshops, learn skills for a variety of areas in their business, and keep up with the latest innovations within the Apiculture industry.Our Kamahi and Honeydew honey were entered into the liquid honey medium and dark class, which had to meet a high standard of the following criteria:ColourCleanliness/lintForeign matterWaxFoamClarity / brightness & absence of granulationDensity/viscosityAromaFlav

Black label Mānuka Honey now in stock!

2 min read

Here at Mountain Valley Honey, we never know what the bees will bring us from season to season. It makes each harvest interesting, we are always excited to see what the different tastes are.So, it’s little wonder we’re ecstatic with our new range.Black label Mānuka is now in stock!All of our Mānuka honey meets the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) export standards and each batch has been tested and certified for its antibacterial properties that Mānuka honey is known and loved for.The difference is in the level of methylglyoxal (MG) or Unique Mānuka Factor (UMF). The higher the number, the higher the level of antibacterial properties in the batch of Mānuka honey.You can apply this range of honey to burns or skin wounds to help with the healing. Better

Rata Honey, back by popular demand!

1 min read

In New Zealand, we are fortunate to have a variety of native bush that is used to make beautiful honey in all sorts of different flavours. One of which is Rata Honey. “Our Rata has been sourced from the top of the South Island. It has a beautiful flower and is stunning when the season has a prolific flowering,” says Mountain Valley Honey co-owner, Nicky Elwood. “We think it is another one of New Zealand’s beautiful treasures in our great bush areas.” Rata is a light honey, that is sweet in taste and easy on the palette. “We had a lot of feedback on Rata, and it’s been very popular when we’ve had it in the past. Hence why we’ve sourced more this season.” Mountain Valley Honey don’t have any hives situated near Rata areas, but they listened to their customers and contac

A new era for Mountain Valley Honey

2 min read

Over the past year, Mountain Valley Honey has made some exciting changes, so we thought it would be a good idea to catch up with MVH Co-owner, Nicky Elwood, to get the latest.“A priority for us over the past year has been bringing the MVH team together into one place. We like being a part of the day-to-day processes and working alongside the team,” she says.MVH now have all operations together on one premises, including extraction, instead of working in multiple locations.“It has been great to be in control of the entire journey, from the hive, to the honeypot.”Each season, MVH get a variation on our regular honeys.“It’s always nice to put a new type into a jar so customers can try more of the great honeys that New Zealand has to offer.MVH’s latest pr

Bravo for your Manuka Honey

1 min read

“A quick E-mail just to say that the last lot of Manuka honey 2kg pots you sent us were simply the best Manuka honey any of us have ever tasted. Bravo and thanks! Diana” ” I recently purchased seven 1kg Mountain valley honey Manuka pottles. The content is 90% Manuka and it’s absolutely delicious. Michael”

NBA conference

1 min read

We had a great time of learning,discussion,meeting new people and catching up with old friends. We entered some of our honey in the annual competition and had a pleasing result. Our bee pollen received a 1st place, Kamahi a 3rd place and Native Bush a 2nd place. The competition had more entries in each class this year and were of a high standard so we were very happy with our results.

Conference 2011

1 min read

We are really excited to be heading to the National Beekeepers Conference in Auckland. A time of learning along with catching up with friends and colleagues from around the country.

Thank you from the Brownie Campers

1 min read

Hi,Thank you so much for the honey. We gave it to them for breakfast, and afternoon tea-they loved it!!! I have attached a photo of the girls lining up to have some honey. And another photo of the girls at camp.Thanks againCornelia

Wakefield couple enjoy sweet success

2 min read

A spur of the moment, last minute decision has brought valuable national publicity to a Wakefield honey producer.“It was only on the morning of the competition run by the National Beekeepers’ Association, who held their annual conference in Nelson, that my wife Nicky and I decided we should enter some of our products,” says Murray Elwood of Mountain Valley Honey.The results were outstanding, with first placings in two sections for their Manuka and Kamahi honey and a second place for their Native Bush, but the Elwoods weren’t altogether surprised to have their products rated so highly by the judges.“We insist on as little tampering with our product as practically possible, so we know our honey is as pure as can be. We even fill the containers by hand rather than b

2010 Awards

1 min read

2010 awards from the National Beekeepers’ Association included first placings in two sections for our Manuka and Kamahi honey and a second-place for our Native Bush honey.

Mountain Valley Honey at the Nelson Market

1 min read

Mountain Valley Honey has a stall each week at the Nelson Market.We operate between 7:30am and 1pm with a range of flavours available each week.We have four sizes available, 250gm, 500gm, 1kg and 2kg.  We also have Native Bush honey on tap so if you take your own jar, we can fill that for you on-site.

Raw Honey from New Zealand’s Native Forests

1 min read

At Mountain Valley Honey we pride ourselves on offering raw and unpasteurised honey.We try our very best to get the honey from the beehive to the jar with as little processing as possible, ensuring the honey retains all its natural goodness.Nothing added. Nothing taken away. Just like nature intended.Our honey is collected from the beautiful Marlborough Sounds, Mt Richmond Ranges and Whangamoa areas. Our hives are situated in rural sites where the bees have a wide variety of floral sources.Check out our wide range of raw native New Zealand honey, each unique in its own right, reflecting the true diversity of native New Zealand flora.

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